It is the beginning of the wet season in Malawi. Usually this is a welcome relief for the people of Malawi and the community of Matandani, as everyone is keen for it to rain again after 9 or 10 months since the last long lasting rain! Unfortunately, the wet season started with a storm this season! The rain and the wind battered Matandani school last Friday (18-Nov-16) and some major damage was done. The roof from the Standard 2 block of classrooms has been blown right off! This has exposed the classroom to any future weather and being the start of the wet season – this is bad news. Also the roof of the old boys toilet block has been blown off. This damage needs to be fixed as soon as is possible. Over the next few days, a survey of all the damage and the costing of the repairs will be completed. A plan of action will then be put in place to remedy these problems. The local government would help the school, but unfortunately this takes time (6 months plus) and a lot more damage would have occurred int he meantime. This is why we are very keen to help Matandani school, especially to preserve the good work that has happened over the last couple of years!

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An update on the plan of action and repair work will be updated over the next couple of weeks. In other news form the community, 8 houses had their roofs blown off also and a boy who attends Matandani was injured. We will keep an eye on how this boy is recovering and help out with the costs of his medical care.